Yes my site is simple on purpose. It’s my minimalist desire for only what’s needed.
The world has given me enough. I don’t want more money or fame. I’m just giving back, and trying to live up to my lucky circumstance.
this is my shit
Yes my site is simple on purpose. It’s my minimalist desire for only what’s needed.
The world has given me enough. I don’t want more money or fame. I’m just giving back, and trying to live up to my lucky circumstance.
I’ve been a volunteer firefighter, candy guy at the airport, entrepreneur, aspiring book publisher, and angel investor. Currently on loan as a software engineering leader at some big company
Native Texan, now living in the great Pacific Northwest in Washington, Sky/Scuba diving, skiing, and doing anything in the mountains, is where you’ll find me exploring with my kids.
At I have a collection of my notes from several books I’ve read or listened to This page is just to answer some questions about it. My notes are not a summary of the book! When I’m reading and come across a surprising or inspiring idea, I save it. That’s all my notes are. …
I love hearing from people, so please email me at and introduce yourself.
Why? For two reasons:
Yes it’s really me, and I reply to all.