
Yes my site is simple on purpose. It’s my minimalist desire for only what’s needed.

The world has given me enough. I don’t want more money or fame. I’m just giving back, and trying to live up to my lucky circumstance.

Me in 10 seconds

I’ve been a volunteer firefighter, candy guy at the airport, entrepreneur, aspiring book publisher, and angel investor.  Currently on loan as a software engineering leader at some big company

Native Texan, now living in the great Pacific Northwest in Washington, Sky/Scuba diving, skiing, and doing anything in the mountains, is where you’ll find me exploring with my kids.


Books! FAQ

At scottieg.com/books I have a collection of my notes from several books I’ve read or listened to This page is just to answer some questions about it. My notes are not a summary of the book! When I’m reading and come across a surprising or inspiring idea, I save it. That’s all my notes are. …


I love hearing from people, so please email me at scott@scottieg.com and introduce yourself.

Why? For two reasons:

  1. I love getting to know people around the world. (Many of my best friends and even great loves are people who I met when they emailed to introduce themselves.)
  2. Because I know a lot of people, I can help connect you with someone you should meet.

Yes it’s really me, and I reply to all.